
O.P.I Glamslam

After visiting Sephora for about 5 times and beeing disapointed everytime just becase they didn't have my O.P.I Glamslam.
And I refused to buy the O.P.I crackle on his own from the Katy Perry collection. I decided to search on the net where elles i could buy it.
I finaly found it at MOOI in Rotterdam it was the last one but I got it Only for 19.95euro's!! What u can call a very cheap offer if u count that u need to pay 13.95euro's at Sephora for 1 so lets call it a great deal!!! I was so exciting i couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear!!!

I was so amazed about the colors and still in love with it I cant keep my eyes of my nails!!!
The crackle gives something extra you can do with your nails no more boring colours or designs u can only get at a nail salon now u can mix and match and design something on your own with the O.P.I colours.
I'm so exciting to buy more O.P.I colours for my smal collecting and hoping that O.P.I will add more colors of crackle

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